Thursday, 16 January 2014

Microsoft Word 97 Keyboard Shortcuts

ALT CTRL OSwitch to outline view in Microsoft Word
ALT+CTRL+NSwitch to normal view
CTRL+/Move between a master document and its subdocuments
Format Characters:
CTRL SHFT FChange the font in Microsoft Word
CTRL+SHFT+PChange the font size
CTRL+SHFT+>Increase the font size
CTRL+SHFT+<Decrease the font size
CTRL+]Increase the font size by 1 point
CTRL+[Decrease the font size by 1 point
CTRL+DChange the formatting of characters (Font command, Format menu)
SHFT F3Change the case of letters in Microsoft Word
CTRL+SHFT+AFormat letters as all capitals
CTRL+BApply bold formatting
CTRL+UApply an underline
CTRL+SHFT+WUnderline words but not spaces
CTRL SHFT DDouble-underline text in Microsoft Word
CTRL+SHFT+HApply hidden text formatting
CTRL+IApply italic formatting
CTRL+SHFT+KFormat letters as small capitals
CTRL+EQUAL SIGNApply subscript formatting (automatic spacing)
CTRL+SHFT+PLUS SIGNApply superscript formatting (automatic spacing)
CTRL+SPACEBARRemove manual character formatting
CTRL+SHFT+QChange the selection to Symbol font
CTRL+SHFT+* (asterisk)Display non-printing characters
SHFT+F1 (then click the text whose formatting you want to review)Review text formatting in Microsoft Word
CTRL+SHFT+CCopy formats
CTRL+SHFT+VPaste formats
Format Paragraphs:
CTRL+1Single-space lines
CTRL+2Double-space lines
CTRL 5Set 1.5-line spacing in Microsoft Word
CTRL+0 (zero)Add one-line spacing preceding a paragraph
CTRL+0 (zero)Remove one-line spacing preceding a paragraph
CTRL+ECenter a paragraph
CTRL+JJustify a paragraph
CTRL+LLeft align a paragraph
CTRL RRight align a paragraph in Microsoft Word
CTRL+MIndent a paragraph from the left
CTRL+SHFT+MRemove a paragraph indent from the left
CTRL+TCreate a hanging indent
CTRL+SHFT+TReduce a hanging indent
CTRL+QRemove paragraph formatting
CTRL+SHFT+SApply a style
ALT+CTRL+KStart AutoFormat
CTRL SHFT NApply the Normal style in Microsoft Word
ALT+CTRL+1Apply the Heading 1 style
ALT+CTRL+2Apply the Heading 2 style
ALT+CTRL+3Apply the Heading 3 style
CTRL+SHFT+LApply the List style
Delete Text and Graphics:
BACKSPACEDelete one character to the left
CTRL+BACKSPACEDelete one word to the left
DELETEDelete one character to the right
CTRL DELETEDelete one word to the right in Microsoft Word
CTRL+XCut selected text to the Clipboard
CTRL+ZUndo the last action
CTRL+F3Cut to the Spike
CTRL+CCopy text or graphics
F2 (then move the insertion point and press ENTER)Move text or graphics in Microsoft Word
ALT+F3Create AutoText
CTRL+VPaste the Clipboard contents
CTRL+SHFT+F3Paste the Spike contents
Insert Special Characters:
CTRL+F9A field
ENTER (after typing the first few characters of the AutoText entry name and when the ScreenTip appeaAn AutoText entry
SHFT+ENTERA line break
CTRL ENTERA page break
CTRL SHFT ENTERA column break
CTRL+HYPHENAn optional hyphen
CTRL+SHFT+HYPHENA non-breaking hyphen
CTRL+SHFT+SPACEBARA non-breaking space
ALT CTRL CThe copyright symbol
ALT+CTRL+RThe registered trademark symbol
ALT+CTRL+TThe trademark symbol
ALT CTRL periodAn ellipsis in Microsoft Word
Select Text and Graphics:
SHFT+RIGHT ARROWOne character to the right
SHFT+LEFT ARROWOne character to the left
CTRL+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWTo the end of a word
CTRL+SHFT+LEFT ARROWTo the beginning of a word
SHFT+ENDTo the end of a line
Select Text and Graphics
SHFT+HOMETo the beginning of a line
SHFT+DOWN ARROWOne line down
SHFT+UP ARROWOne line up
CTRL+SHFT+DOWN ARROWTo the end of a paragraph
CTRL+SHFT+UP ARROWTo the beginning of a paragraph
SHFT+PAGE DOWNOne screen down
SHFT+PAGE UPOne screen up
ALT CTRL PAGE DOWNTo the end of a window in Microsoft Word
CTRL+SHFT+HOMETo the beginning of a document
CTRL+ATo include the entire document
CTRL+SHFT+F8, and then use the arrow keys; press ESC to cancel selection modeTo a vertical block of text
F8 arrow keys; press ESC to cancel selection modeTo a specific location in a document in Microsoft Word
Select Text and Graphics in a Table:
TABSelect the next cell's contents
SHFT+TABSelect the preceding cell's contents
Hold down SHFT and press an arrow key repeatedlyExtend a selection to adjacent cells
Click in the column's top or bottom cell. Hold down SHFT and press the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key rSelect a column in Microsoft Word
CTRL+SHFT+F8, and then use the arrow keys; press ESC to cancel selection modeExtend a selection (or block)
SHFT+F8Reduce the selection size
ALT+5 on the numeric keypad (with NUM LOCK off)Select an entire table
Extend a Selection:
F8Turn extend mode on
F8, and then press LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWSelect the nearest character
F8 (press once to select a word, twice to select a sentence, and so forth)Increase the size of a selection in Microsoft Word
SHFT+F8Reduce the size of a selection
ESCTurn extend mode off
Move the Insertion Point:
LEFT ARROWOne character to the left
RIGHT ARROWOne character to the right
CTRL LEFT ARROWOne word to the left in Microsoft Word
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWOne word to the right
CTRL+UP ARROWOne paragraph up
CTRL+DOWN ARROWOne paragraph down
SHFT+TABOne cell to the left (in a table)
TABOne cell to the right (in a table)
UP ARROWUp one line
DOWN ARROWDown one line
ENDTo the end of a line
HOMETo the beginning of a line in Microsoft Word
ALT+CTRL+PAGE UPTo the top of the window
ALT+CTRL+PAGE DOWNTo the end of the window
PAGE UPUp one screen (scrolling)
PAGE DOWNDown one screen (scrolling)
CTRL PAGE DOWNTo the top of the next page in Microsoft Word
CTRL+PAGE UPTo the top of the previous page
CTRL+ENDTo the end of a document
CTRL+HOMETo the beginning of a document
SHFT+F5To a previous revision
SHFT F5To the location of the insertion point when the document was last closed in Microsoft Word
Move Around in a Table:
TABNext cell in a row
SHFT+TABPrevious cell in a row
ALT+HOMEFirst cell in a row
ALT+ENDLast cell in a row
ALT PAGE UPFirst cell in a column in Microsoft Word
ALT+PAGE DOWNLast cell in a column
UP ARROWPrevious row
Insert Paragraphs and Tab Characters in a Table:
ENTERNew paragraphs in a cell
CTRL+TABTab characters in a cell
Keys for Reviewing Documents
ALT+CTRL+MInsert a comment
CTRL+SHFT+ETurn revision marks on or off
CTRL HOMEGo to the beginning of a comment in Microsoft Word
CTRL ENDGo to the end of a comment in Microsoft Word
Keys for Performing a Mail Merge
ALT+SHFT+KPreview a mail merge
ALT SHFT NMerge a document in Microsoft Word
ALT+SHFT+MPrint the merged document
ALT+SHFT+EEdit a mail-merge data document
ALT+SHFT+FInsert a merge field
Keys for Printing and Previewing Documents
CTRL+PPrint a document
ALT CTRL ISwitch to Print Preview in Microsoft Word
Arrow keysMove around the preview page when zoomed in
PAGE UP or PAGE DOWNMove by one preview page when zoomed out
CTRL+HOMEMove to the first preview page when zoomed out
CTRL ENDMove to the last preview page when zoomed out in Microsoft Word
Keys for Working with Fields
CTRL+F9An empty field
CTRL+SHFT+F7Update linked information in a Word source document
F9Update selected fields in Microsoft Word
CTRL+SHFT+F9Unlink a field
Keys for Working with a Document Outline
ALT+SHFT+LEFT ARROWPromote a paragraph
ALT+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWDemote a paragraph
CTRL+SHFT+NDemote to body text
ALT SHFT UP ARROWMove selected paragraphs up in Microsoft Word
ALT+SHFT+DOWN ARROWMove selected paragraphs down
ALT+SHFT+PLUS SIGNExpand text under a heading
ALT+SHFT+MINUS SIGNCollapse text under a heading
ALT+SHFT+A or the asterisk (*) key on the numeric keypadExpand or collapse all text or headings
The slash (/) key on the numeric keypadHide or display character formatting in Microsoft Word
ALT+SHFT+LShow the first line of body text or all body text
ALT+SHFT+1Show all headings with the Heading 1 style
ALT+SHFT+nShow all headings up to Heading n
Keys for Menus
SHFT+F10Show the shortcut menu
F10Make the menu bar active in Microsoft Word
ALT+SPACEBARShow the program icon menu (on the program title bar)
DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW (with the menu or submenu displayed)Select the next or previous command on the menu or submenu
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWSelect the menu to the left or right; or, with a submenu visible, switch between the main menu and the submenu
HOME or ENDSelect the first or last command on the menu or submenu
ALTClose the visible menu and submenu at the same time in Microsoft Word
ESCClose the visible menu; or, with a submenu visible, close the submenu only
CTRL+ALT+Hyphen (-)Remove Items from menu (MRU, Commands, etc.) Pointer turns to minus sign when keys are pressed, then open menu and click item to be removed.
Keys for Toolbars
F10Make the menu bar active in Microsoft Word
CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHFT+TABSelect the next or previous toolbar
TAB or SHFT+TAB (when a toolbar is active)Select the next or previous button or menu on the toolbar
ENTER (when a menu on a toolbar is selected)Open the menu
ENTER (when a button is selected)Perform the action assigned to a button in Microsoft Word
ENTER (when the text box is selected)Enter text in a text box
Keys for Windows and Dialog Boxes
ALT+TABSwitch to the next program
ALT+SHFT+TABSwitch to the previous program
CTRL+ESCShow the Windows Start menu
CTRL WClose the active document window in Microsoft Word
CTRL+F5Restore the active document window
CTRL+F6Switch to the next document window
CTRL+SHFT+F6Switch to the previous document window
CTRL+F7Carry out the Move command (document icon menu, menu bar)
CTRL+F8Carry out the Size command (document icon menu, menu bar)
CTRL F10Maximize the document window in Microsoft Word
ALT+0 to select the folder list; arrow keys to select a folderSelect a folder in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu)
ALT+ number (1 is the left most button, 2 is the next, and so on)Choose a toolbar button in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu)
F5Update the files visible in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu)
CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PAGE DOWNSwitch to the next tab in a dialog box
CTRL+SHFT+TAB or CTRL+PAGE UPSwitch to the previous tab in a dialog box
TABMove to the next option or option group
SHFT TABMove to the previous option or option group in Microsoft Word
Arrow keysMove between options in the selected drop-down list box or between some options in a group of options
SPACEBARPerform the action assigned to the selected button; select or clear the check box
Letter key for the first letter in the optn name you want (when a drop- down list box is selected)Move to the option by the first letter in the option name in a drop-down list box
ALT+ letter keySelect the option or select or clear the check box by the letter underlined in the option name
ALT+DOWN ARROW (when a drop-down list box is selected)Open a drop-down list box
ESC (when a drop-down list box is selected)Close a drop-down list box
ENTERPerform the action assigned to the default button in the dialog box
ESCCancel the command and close the dialog box in Microsoft Word
HOMEMove to the beginning of the entry
ENDMove to the end of the entry
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWMove one character to the left or right
CTRL+LEFT ARROW or CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove one word to the left or right
SHFT+HOMESelect from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry
SHFT+ENDSelect from the insertion point to the end of the entry
SHFT LEFT ARROWSelect or deselect one character to the left in Microsoft Word
SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or deselect one character to the right
CTRL+SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or deselect one word to the left
CTRL+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or deselect one word to the right
Keys for Working with Web Pages
CTRL KInsert a hyperlink in Microsoft Word
ALT+LEFT ARROWGo back one page
ALT+RIGHT ARROWGo forward one page
Keys for Working with Cross-References, Footnotes, and Endnotes
ALT+SHFT+OMark a table of contents entry
ALT+SHFT+IMark a table of authorities entry
ALT+SHFT+XMark an index entry
ALT CTRL FInsert a footnote in Microsoft Word
ALT+CTRL+EInsert an endnote
Keys for Using the Office Assistant
ALT+F6Make the Office Assistant balloon active
ALT+number (1 is the first topic, 2 is the second, and so on)Select a Help topic from the topics the Office Assistant displays
ALT+ number (1 is the first topic, 2 is the second, and so on)Select a Help topic from the topics the Office Assistant shows
ALT DOWN ARROWSee more Help topics in Microsoft Word
ALT+UP ARROWSee previous Help topics
ESCClose an Office Assistant message
F1Get Help from the Office Assistant
ALT+NDisplay the next tip
ALT+BDisplay the previous tip
ESCClose tips
TAB to select the Office Assistant button; SPACEBAR to show the Assistant or turn off Help with theShow or hide the Office Assistant in a wizard in Microsoft Word
Keys for Working with Documents
CTRL NCreate a new document in Microsoft Word
CTRL+OOpen a document
CTRL+WClose a document
ALT+CTRL+SSplit a document
CTRL SSave a document in Microsoft Word
ALT+F4Quit Word
CTRL+FFind text, formatting, and special items
ALT+CTRL+YRepeat find
CTRL+HReplace text, specific formatting, and special items
CTRL+GGo to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location
ALT+CTRL+ZGo back to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location
ALT CTRL HOMEBrowse a document in Microsoft Word
ESCCancel an action
CTRL+ZUndo an action
CTRL+YRedo or repeat an action
ALT+CTRL+PSwitch to page layout view

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